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Label Hammer of Hate under distribution


Twilight Distribution welcomes the Label Hammer of Hate from Finland under twilight-distribution!

Band Before the Fall at twilight

We are proud to welcome the band Before the Fall from Austria.

Brut riffs piercing through the bones, paired with Swedish compounding and Moshparts punching in the pit of the stomach like a fist… With this kind of ingredients Before the Fall knows with “From Mutism to Riddance” (release Nov. 2nd) how to stand out from the crowd with a mix of Thrash Metal and Hardcore.


Band The monolith death cult at twilight

we are proud to welcome the band The monolith deathcult from Holland.

The Death Metal manifest “Triumvirate” is planned for February.

Maintain Records under distribution

We welcome the Label Maintain Records from Germany under twilight-distribution!